Tuesday, August 20, 2013

All My Bags Are Packed

TODAY'S THE DAY!! I finally managed to get everything packed last night - two duffel bags, one backpack, and one tote. One duffel weighs 46.8 pounds, and the other 50.0 so I'm a packing champion.

I can't believe after all my prep work I finally get to start enjoying this trip. I am so ready for it to be the experience of a lifetime, and I can't wait to start. I'll be flying from Columbus to Toronto to Heathrow, so I'll be in London at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Then I'll take the Tube to a hostel where I'll meet up with a bunch of other Semester at Sea students. We'll spend three days exploring the city together, and then on Saturday we'll board the ship! After that, it should be smooth sailing (yeah that was a pun).

Thank you all for your love and support! Email me at erin.kellogg.fa13@semesteratsea.org to stay in touch :-)

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